Batesville Market’s Kristen Rabourdin immediately jumped in to help other businesses in her first days as the market’s new owner.
The tradition of neighbors helping neighbors has taken on new meaning during the time of coronavirus, pushing many of us to become creative in figuring out ways to help each other. There’s no better example of this than in the Charlottesville-area food community, where business as usual came to a screeching halt two months ago. To combat that, many food professionals turned to collaborations to help get their products to customers in a safe and efficient manner.
Responding early was the Local Food Hub, a nonprofit that partners with Virginia farmers to increase community access to local food by providing support services, infrastructure, and market opportunities. With farmers’ markets unable to open, LFH scrambled to launch two alternative low-contact markets.
“We developed the drive-through markets when we saw the traditional sales outlets our farmers rely on drying up,” says Portia Boggs, the Hub’s director of advancement and communications. “The old infrastructure that connected the two was just no longer functioning. Our markets are great for people who have the capacity [income, car, and time].”
For people who don’t? “Our Fresh Farmacy program is catered to those who don’t have those resources—for example, the homebound, elderly, unemployed, and low-food-access,” says Boggs. “This program provides 400-plus weekly shares of locally sourced products, either via home delivery or a centralized, accessible drop point.”
Wilfred Henry of Mount Alto Sungrown in Esmont recognized that his neighbors needed to get their products out, and organized a contact-free delivery of goods to Charlottesville and Albemarle and Nelson counties, including farmers’ market favorites such as cheeses from Caromont Farm, pork and lamb from Double H Farm to soaps and lotions from Grubby Girl, and Henry’s own full-spectrum hemp and CBD products.
“The idea evolved naturally out of my friendship with each of these people,” he says. “We’re neighbors. This is our community. Working together and helping hold each other up is what we do.”
Kristen Rabourdin hadn’t even signed the paperwork to purchase the Batesville Market when everything shut down. A volunteer with the Community Investment Collaborative, she’d planned to showcase local products. “We had anticipated the market being a local music venue [on weekends], and didn’t anticipate having to shift so quickly, but this pushed us…to be this great little country store for people to get their basics without having to go to a large grocery store,” Rabourdin says.
She’s already sourcing locally produced naan and samosas to sell in her market, and she enlisted area baker Maria Niechwiadowicz—herself about to open a bricks-and-mortar location for Bowerbird Bakeshop when everything shut down—to provide macarons.
When she heard that a nearby cannery had closed, Rabourdin applied to get her commercial kitchen approved for use by area purveyors such as Yvonne Cunningham, of Nona’s Italian Cucina tomato sauce, who hopes to shift her sauce production to the Batesville kitchen.
Keevil & Keevil Grocery and Kitchen answered the call to provide food for those in need by offering free meals daily for anyone who wants them, and in another response to food insecurity, Pearl Island Café went from providing snacks at the Boys & Girls Club, to getting 400 meals (such as BBQ chicken, rice and beans, fruits and vegetables) per week into the hands of club and community members, an effort privately funded by Diane and Howie Long.
Whitney Matthews, proprietor of Spice Sea Gourmet food truck, was surprised when a friend from culinary school donated money to help her prepare meals for frontline workers. After contacting more alums, she’s been able to prepare 160 meals to date.
“I’ve [also] been reaching out to other female-owned businesses to help with things like desserts,” she says, such as Cocoa & Spice’s Jennifer Mowad, who’s prepared brownies. Maliha Creations’ Anita Gupta, who crafts boutique wedding cakes, donated other desserts; Kathryn Matthews of Iron Paffles & Coffee donated softshell crabs; and Cunningham contributed her sauce and time, preparing food and delivering it. In addition, Matthews has been collecting donations of food and supplies for immigrant families in need.
Jessica Hogan and her husband Gabino Lino of Farmacy Food Truck joined the list of locals who are working with chef José Andrés’ World Central Kitchen to feed frontline workers, preparing 300 meals a week for area police departments. Fellini’s Chris Humphrey, who is also contributing to WCK, has been providing two meals a week to his restaurant’s furloughed staff, and is selling frozen meat from local farmers through Foods for Thought.
Junction Executive Chef Melissa Close-Hart says her place and The Local have contributed over 500 meals to various community members, including frontline workers, while also providing one meal a day to the restaurants’ staff.
While the virus’ grip on the ability to operate as usual remains tight, local restaurants and food workers—including too many others to list here—have looked within their community to help where it is most needed, and to maintain each other’s businesses. Henry says the key to carrying on is staying loyal to the food and product sources that are closest to home. “We’re all committed to the sustainability of the local economy, and together we’re working to not only keep each other afloat but also expand access to and knowledge about all the great products we have on offer right here,” he says.
A craft distillery is coming to the former Clock Shop space on Water Street. Rendering: Sage Designs LLC
A newly formed company—so new that it hasn’t gone public with its name yet—is looking to get into the spirits business with a craft distillery in the former Clock Shop building at 201 W. Water St. The working title for the project is Vodka House, according to Clark Gathright, the civil engineer and site planner who ushered the building’s new design through the Board of Architectural Review approval process. The initial idea had been to create a distillery and tasting room similar to Vitae Spirits, on Henry Street, and even to offer outdoor seating.
“We started out with that in mind,” Gathright says. “But we got smacked down.” Evidently, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau was not enamored of the tasting room idea.
Gathright says the distillery project is moving ahead, though he’s unsure what form it will ultimately take. Black Bear Properties LLC, which bought the building in 2016 and has ties to big-bucks developer Hunter Craig, had previously proposed to demolish it and build an eight-story luxury apartment building. The Charlottesville Planning Commission nixed that use of the site in November 2017.
In other news…
Potbelly Sandwich Shop, which has more than 500 locations in the United States and abroad, has opened at 853 W. Main St., in The Standard at Charlottesville apartment building…The Crozet Trolley Co. is up and running, ferrying tippling tourists to the area’s wineries, breweries, and distilleries in an old-timey looking bus. Tour prices start at $39 per person…Waynesboro-based Blue Ridge Bucha is touting its use of reusable bottles as evidence of its commitment to sustainability. “Since 2010, more than 933,750 bottles have been saved by customers choosing to refill their Bucha bottles on draft,” a recent company blog post stated…On March 31 at Junction, chef Laura Fonner of Duner’s joins Junction chef Melissa Close-Hart to create a four-course meal, benefiting the Sexual Assault Resource Agency. Cost is $40 per person; $55 with wine pairing. For more info, call 465-6131.
Gee Whiz! A Potbelly Sandwich Shop (home of the cheesesteak with Cheez Whiz sammie) is open for business on West Main Street. Supplied photo
Chicken and waffles with a habanero-maple syrup are on the brunch menu at Junction, which will serve brunch from 10:30am to 2:30pm Saturdays and Sundays. Photo by Morgan Salyer
Belmont’s Junction is delving into the weekend world of bracing bloodies and merciful mimosas with the launch of a brunch service. Executive chef Melissa Close-Hart says the demand was there for it, and the timing right.
“We thought about doing brunch from the beginning,” she says. “We tried it out on holidays, like Easter and Mother’s Day, and we had big success, so decided that it was time to try it on a regular basis.”
She says they wanted to keep the menu simple by blending brunch classics with the Southwest flair the restaurant specializes in.
Entrées will include chicken and waffles with a habanero-maple syrup; huevos Benedictos (eggs Benedict with an ancho hollandaise sauce); smoked chicken chilaquiles; a grilled shrimp and corn enchilada; and cinnamon-and-orange brioche French toast.
Also on offer: a simpler kids breakfast for $6. Brunch will be served 10:30am-2:30pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
RX for good eats
The FARMacy food truck is open for business and ready to make house calls to cure what ails your rumbling stomach. Owner Jessica Hogan, who began the business as a superfood smoothie delivery service, was looking to expand after training at the Community Investment Collaborative. Last year, she bought a food truck that she and her boyfriend/chef/business partner Lino Gonzalez remodeled.
Hogan, whose motto is “urban living with farm roots,” has found the perfect partner in Gonzalez, a native of Mexico. Their Mexican fusion food menu focuses on local and organic ingredients and added “superfoods.”
“He was raised in a small town where they ate from the land, so organic is natural to him,” she says. “I went to a holistic nutrition school and was raised pretty much vegetarian and homeopathic, so I know the value of eating clean food, organic. Together we help bring healthy and delicious food to Charlottesville to satisfy peoples’ cravings and nourish their bodies at the same time.”
Menu offerings include a super naan taco with beef and al pastor pork; the tres hongos (three mushroom) quesadilla; a vegan black bean burrito; and a salad bowl of lettuce, kale, tomato, onion, black beans, avocado, roasted peppers, corn, and tortilla chips. Look for the couple’s bright green FARMacy truck around town.
The s’more the merrier
No more fruitless searches on Netflix for Bill Murray’s iconic classic Meatballs to evoke fond summer camp memories. Instead you can just divert to the Graduate Charlottesville for a campy experience.
The hotel has overhauled its rooftop bar and restaurant, previously a farm-to-table joint called Heirloom, with a camping theme, renaming the venue Camp Ten Four (a nod to the size of the city, 10.4 square miles). The design is intended to evoke the fun of summers past in a venue overlooking Charlottesville, with beautiful views and sunsets, says Graduate general manager Dee Richardson.
“Much like sitting around a campfire with friends or new acquaintances, we hope Camp Ten Four’s warm service and neighborhood atmosphere inspires camaraderie, story-telling, and memory-making as visitors gather year-round for delicious food and drinks.”
From barbecue favorites such as cheeseburgers and hot dogs on chef Robert Allen’s menu, to campily named adult drinks like Bug Juice and Wahoo Water, the Graduate hopes to inspire the same sense of relaxation you might have enjoyed at summer camp.
Women are shaking up Charlottesville's male-dominated restaurant industry. Photo by Morgan Salyer.
Most people who go to their favorite restaurant on a Saturday night probably give little thought to what’s happening behind the scenes in the kitchen once they’re seated and have ordered cocktails. And while they may know what will show up on their table, ultimately the strange alchemy of how it gets there—sometimes through a well-choreographed dance, other times an awkward stepping on toes involving the need to slap away a set of roaming hands—remains a mystery. As culinary historian Leni Sorensen puts it, “It’s all theater, anyway: Basically it’s all kind of made up in a restaurant, so you have to get everyone in the kitchen to have one director like every play has and you do what the director tells you to do. Why? Because they’ll fire your ass and you’ll hand over your script to someone waiting in the wings for your job.”
Only the script doesn’t always run according to plan.
It’s one thing to be hoisting heavy pots and racing up and down flights of stairs to retrieve 50-pound cases of food, or to be jammed alongside several others with sharp knives and searing pans in a space not much bigger than a broom closet, with the temperature hovering well above the 90-degree mark. It greatly complicates matters, though, when you’re a woman busting your butt to do your job, often while having to prove yourself capable of working in the rough trenches of a commercial kitchen, only to have a male colleague grab your ass, gawk at your breasts, or even make crass sexualized—and most unwelcome—remarks.
In the food profession in general—and certainly here in Charlottesville—these are just some of the difficulties women deal with regularly in a male-dominated industry—and they’re a primary reason for the founding of Charlottesville Women in Food, a sort of female-empowerment support group for local food professionals that Phyllis Hunter, owner of the Spice Diva, dreamed up with Caromont Farm owner Gail Hobbs-Page and Junction executive chef Melissa Close-Hart.
Spice Diva owner Phyllis Hunter is one of the founders of Charlottesville Women in Food. Photo by Amy Jackson
“There were some issues I’d started hearing about in Charlottesville, so I thought women may need someone to talk to,” Hunter says. “It wasn’t just one incident. I’d started hearing about customers who were harassing females in restaurants, and even getting questions about employment issues. I’m very much aware of how women are not paid the same as men, and how female chefs aren’t recognized, and have a very hard time getting financial backing for their businesses. Those were all issues I wanted to take up, so I talked to Gail and we said, ‘Let’s do this.’”
Around the same time, a video produced by the Local Palate to promote the Charlottesville food industry fell flat when women in the profession saw how male-centric the production was. Local food blogger and podcaster Jenée Libby expressed outrage online and garnered universal support.
“I posted the link on Facebook with the subject ‘WHERE ARE THE WOMEN?’ and I got such a huge response. I didn’t know Phyllis and Gail had met that weekend to discuss forming this group, but those things were the impetus behind this.”
Hunter says their first potluck meeting of 26 women in the galleria of the Main Street Market, where her shop is located, was just to get to know one another. And when those in attendance put out the word to their peers, the membership quickly climbed to nearly 300 women. “Obviously there was a need for this,” Hunter says. “When women come to the meetings, the feeling of community is just so fantastic, so supportive, people are very open. I’m astounded at these women.”
But she says it’s important to recognize that the organization is pro-female, not anti-men.
“The first time, I thought, ‘Oh God, what am I doing? We don’t want this to be a bitch session of women complaining about men!’ But there wasn’t a word mentioned about a male at the meeting. This is a group that defines itself by the women who are participating in it.”
From #MeToo to self-care
It’s a steamy Monday evening in August, but inside Junction restaurant in Belmont, the air is cool and the food—a potluck supper on steroids, prepared by some of the finest chefs in town—is amazing. There’s an artfully displayed platter of local heirloom tomatoes in rainbow hues, interspersed with basil and multi-colored cherry tomatoes still on the vine. Nearby sits a generous tray of sweet potato jalapeño scallion cakes with aioli, as well as delicate crostini bruschetta, fresh radishes on toast points, salads with beans and peppers and orzo and other pastas, goat cheese and cauliflower bread pudding, trays of charcuterie, homemade bagels, a vat of homemade tomato sauce, and, of course, desserts: decadent brownies, artfully stacked around a plate peppered with blackberries and mint leaves and dusted with confectioners sugar, as well as bite-sized mini-cheesecake.
Executive chef Close-Hart has opened her doors to host the CWIF’s monthly meetings. But tonight, members are learning something that most of these busy women probably don’t get around to practicing regularly: self-care. Two massage therapists in one corner try to work knots out of shoulders and soothe pressure points along necks and scalps to alleviate stress and migraines.
While the women nosh on the abundant snacks, masseuse Cecilia Mills offers suggestions for helping to balance what can be a stressful life in the food business. She demonstrates pressure-point therapy to provide immediate calming, as well as a finger-holding technique that can tamp down stress responses. She suggests ways to mitigate chronic problems inherent in working on one’s feet, such as plantar fasciitis, which generates a lot of interest. And she hands out several sheets with resources and tips for help.
The women lament the many physical demands required of their chosen profession: aching backs, tight calves, sore heels. But they know those types of setbacks are to be expected, just as they know that inappropriately sexualizing and overtly denigrating them because they’re women doesn’t have to come with the territory.
It’s made even more complicated in a small food community like Charlottesville, where women are reluctant to discuss anything untoward for fear of retribution.
“Everyone is afraid to talk about it and no one wants to do so other than privately because they’re afraid for their jobs,” Libby says. “No one wants to go on record. It needs to be talked about but I don’t know how you do that. It’s tricky.”
One local female farmer spoke about a particularly handsy restaurateur she encountered early in her career: “I delivered to a restaurant and the owner slapped my ass and made a comment about me being a hottie,” she says. “It’s awkward—I mean how do you respond to that? You could see it as a compliment—I’m a hottie, yay me,” she says, rolling her eyes. “But I just want to do my job and not deal with that.”
She says this man subsequently went on to send inappropriately suggestive text messages as well. She adds that she was young and naïve, and feared that if she said something about it being offensive, she ran the risk of him not buying her produce.
“Look, I don’t want to ruin the guy, but he has to stop doing that,” she says. “I mean, it’s bad enough with him smacking a delivery woman’s butt, but I imagine his employees have experienced a lot more than that, and that’s not okay.”
Caromont Farm owner Gail Hobbs-Page saw a clear need for women to unite for a common cause. Photo by Beyond TheFlavor
Hobbs-Page says there was clearly a need for women to unite for a common cause. Starting this group coincided with the groundswell of the #MeToo movement, which, at its core, proved that providing camaraderie and educational support is vital.
“It was driven by a duel purpose to have a positive place for rage and also to provide something for other young women that we didn’t have,” she says.
“We’re already in a restaurant community that is not supportive financially. It’s hard for women to get capital, it’s hard for women chefs to get loans, it’s hard to present investment ideas because most of the people doling out the money are men,” says Hobbs-Page. “That is something that is just thve way it is here. If you look around at some of the satellite businesses that come out of our community—they’re all run by men.”
She adds that things are even more complicated for women of color, who are not well-represented in the food community here.
She says she hopes the CWIF can play a strong part in empowering women professionals. “The restaurant atmosphere can be very bawdy: it’s stressful, you’re hot, you’re dealing with food and people. I get it—it can be randy, so to speak. But there’s a difference whether that person crosses a line. And I’d hate for anybody’s daughter to have her passions squelched because some man can’t control his urges.”
Laura Fonner, executive chef at Duner’s, started working in kitchens at age 14.
“It was apparent from day one that there was a difference in how men and women were treated in a kitchen. Which honestly seems hilarious when you think about it—men always joke about how a woman’s place is in the kitchen. I suppose that is until they hold some sort of authority and power above them,” Fonner says. “I’m not saying all men have a problem with a woman being higher up in the food chain, but I have witnessed quite a few times where no matter what you do or say, you still get zero respect.”
She says she’s grateful to have landed at Duner’s 15 years ago, where she has a level of respect she’s earned from all of the men she works with.
Laura Fonner, Duner’s executive chef, has been working in kitchens since she was 14 years old. She says she’s earned the respect of the men she currently works with, but in the past there were times when she’s chose to keep quiet and put up with harassment. Photo by Jackson Smith
“I guess my description of the kitchen being a tough environment is that it is a grueling job. It is hot, it is dangerous and most of the time very thankless. I stand in front of a hot oven and line of equipment for 14 hours, covered in sweat, smelling like whatever I’m cooking. It is most definitely not a fashion show. I cut the sleeves off of my old T-shirts and wear those to work since it’s so hot I can’t handle a chef’s jacket. That just opens the door for physical criticism and sexual comments. If you are lucky, your co-workers respect you enough to not say anything.”
Fonner took a hiatus from the kitchen when her younger two kids were born, instead working as a bartender when she was still breastfeeding the youngest. She recalls with disgust a regular customer who ordered a martini just to watch her make it.
“I could feel him watching me shake his drink. Watching my breasts. He tipped me $80 and told me he liked the way I shook his drink. In hindsight I should have thrown his drink in his face, but I politely said thank you and went about the rest of my night, with my dirty money. It made me feel awful, but there are lots of moments where you have to choose to fight or to keep quiet and just serve your customers.
Close-Hart, who’s been nominated for James Beard awards four times and has been in restaurant kitchens for more than 30 years, says while she’s grateful not to have encountered sexual harassment on the job, there are other issues that rear their ugly head.
Melissa Close-Hart, a multiple James Beard award nominee and executive chef at Junction, has worked in restaurant kitchens for more than 30 years. Photo by John Robinson
“More than anything I had to work a little harder to get the same respect you get from male counterparts. And I was always pegged as the pastry chef, no matter what I was working,” she says. She adds that moving into management in the kitchen and overseeing men beneath her in the pecking order was made all the harder because she was a woman.
Respect in the front of the house can be an even bigger issue at times, says Clare Terni, an anthropologist who’s worked for 15 years in food, including catering and front-of-house at downtown restaurants. She says women will share information sotto voce when they know about certain men in a restaurant who are to be avoided at all costs.
“There are plenty of men who don’t suffer consequences for their actions. At the same time, we know. When you ask a friend about working for a particular person, odds are good they know someone who’s worked with that person, and you can sometimes get a bead on what you’re getting yourself into. There are jobs I have not taken because I’ve learned how women are treated in the organization. It’s demoralizing to feel that you need to check this stuff out before you accept a job.”
She emphasizes that there are plenty of good folks working behind the scenes, too. Her male co-workers provide a kind of sibling camaraderie, even going so far as to defend her against a grabby colleague.
“There is something much more subtle that I see in the industry, though,” Terni says. “If you watch meetings between managers, you often see the women in the group talked over or ignored. I see women put into management positions and then openly mocked by their male superiors: ‘Oh, she put up checklists? What? Is she on the rag again?’”
In order to fit in to a management culture, Terni has noticed, a person may need to tolerate sexist, racist, or homophobic jokes. “I worked with a man who told me jokes about raping babies for a solid week, and then told me he figured I was ‘all right’ because I hadn’t quit over it.”
She says she’s particularly grateful for the CWIF.
“It’s a place to ask questions and get help from people who will treat you like a peer worthy of respect. And it’s a group of folks who remind me that I don’t have to change who I am or what I think is right in order to make my way in this industry.”
Doing it for themselves
Kathryn Matthews, who’s worked in the food and hospitality industry for over 10 years, opened Iron Paffles & Coffee, a specialty waffle restaurant, a year and a half ago. You’d think that since she owns the place, she wouldn’t have to deal with sexism in the kitchen, but she says she’s struggled with a disrespectful chef who yelled at her in front of her team, would disappear without notice, and refused to accept constructive criticism. She’s had employees show up late or not at all and then tell her to “relax.” Another male chef left after she disagreed with him. She says she’s had a supplier stop by with a thank-you card for the owner or “whoever else is in charge,” and assume that person was a man. This is an experience most of these women have cited happens regularly.
Paradox Pastry owner Jenny Peterson says that some of the discrimination can be insidious. “We have preconceived notions of a woman in a restaurant as hostess or waitress. The chef is the man,” she says. “When I opened, I had an 18-year old boy working for me and religiously, vendors and salespeople bee-lined for the male in the place and started talking to him about business. I have this hope that it should not be a ‘them against us’ situation, because it’s not. I think we come together, we figure out how to move forward and do it with gratitude and vision and a welcoming of whomever happens to help us.”
She points out that change can start from within.
Paradox Pastry owner Jenny Peterson. Photo by Amy Jackson
“It’s up to newer generations to raise their sons a little more enlightened. That said, you have a big lump of men who have that mindset. So how do we handle that? That comes back to the support we get from other women,” says Peterson.
Local farmer Erica Hellen, co-owner of Free Union Grass Farm with Joel Slezak, says her experience has been an almost cultural shunning while working in the hinterlands of Albemarle County. Their farm, a holistic livestock operation, is home to a host of hormone- and antibiotic-free free-range chickens, ducks, grass-fed cows, and pigs.
“Because of the nature of farming that we do and how different it is from traditional agriculture, people already have a chip on their shoulder. And then I come in and have a nose ring and it’s very different from a lot of the country women, so I find I don’t get a whole lot of respect. It’s like, I work really hard for a living outside in the fields just like you do, but I’m excluded from that kinship because of that?”
It’s a hard pill to swallow for a woman who works alongside her partner moving large quantities of meat, some of which weigh more than she does.
“Most of the heavy lifting we do these days involves loading or unloading meat from the butcher, or in and out of coolers for market or deliveries. Schlepping meat is seriously heavy work! I frequently think about how I weigh almost 100 pounds less than Joel, but I still lift the same heavy things. As a woman that makes my workout proportionally that much harder.”
And while she keeps up just fine, she says there are work-related tasks she’ll often leave to Slezak simply because he’s better-received as a man. “If we need to get work done on a car or we need to get hay and deal with a farm manager who’s been doing it for the last 30 years, I often send Joel,” she says. “It would be nice to feel like my opinion and experience were valued in those environments. But mostly I’ve surrounded myself with really good people and I don’t come up with those situations very often.”
For Myriam Hernandez, who owns Al Carbon with her husband Claudio, the greatest struggle was finding a space to lease for the restaurant they’d dreamed of, where they could serve the authentic Mexican cuisine of their upbringing on the far outskirts of Mexico City. As a Spanish teacher, she recognized that one way to encourage learning was through the stomach, which impelled her to want to open the restaurant.
“I wanted to share my culture and I was teaching Spanish and I realized how the students got engaged hearing about the food and culture, not just the words—I realized how big the impact the food had on us,” she says. “But when we were trying to find a place to lease we struggled a lot; we were rejected from every shopping center we approached. Many of them didn’t believe in us, so we were never offered a space.”
Growing a small food-related business is often a struggle for women, because financing is hard to come by, and space even more so.
Julie Vu Whitaker, “owner/chef/dishwasher” of Vu Noodles, opted to share kitchen space with chef Javier Figueroa-Ray and Sober Pierre, who run the popular Pearl Island Catering. For her this has been a great experience, because she enjoys working with others, and the men are kind and respectful. She said as a relative newbie, she’s thrilled to get their input as well.
Vu started her business because she could not find grab-and-go ethnic food, so she started making and selling it wholesale. She had her home kitchen certified and started wholesaling around her kids’ schedules. After getting her product placed at Martha Jefferson Hospital, the CFA Institute, Health South, and Whole Foods Market, she looked into financing to expand and send her products to the Whole Foods in Northern Virginia and Richmond. But gearing up meant changing recipes and considerable financial support.
Julie Vu Whitaker, who calls herself Vu Noodles’ owner/chef/dishwasher, shares kitchen space with two men, and says it has been a positive experience. Photo by Amanda Maglione
“It was too many layers, and I wanted to keep my quality. I would’ve had to compromise too much,” she says. So she redirected her efforts toward retail, first teaming up with fellow foodie Kathy Zentgraf for a while in a small carryout window on Second Street, and now having expanded into the café at the Jefferson School.
“The only way I’ve kept it going this far is partnering and sharing with people,” she says. “The rent is way too much in this town, with one place on the Downtown Mall costing $3,500 a month plus utilities. I just refused to borrow money in this business. I feel like my vegan stuff is awesome but I’m just gonna take my time and wait and do my best and see what happens. I’ve worked this business long enough that I know I’m ready.”
Women helping women
There is help for women out there, not only with the collegial support that CWIF provides—which also includes the counsel of guest speakers such as lawyers who coach women on their rights in the workplace, or financial experts who speak about microloans—but also through other organizations like the Charlottesville Community Investment Collaborative (CIC).
Waverly Davis, CIC communications and engagement director, says the organization strengthens the community and contributes to economic development by fueling the success of under-resourced entrepreneurs through education, mentoring, micro-lending, and networking. Davis oversees a 16-week entrepreneur workshop, which often includes many female food entrepreneurs.
“Particularly in the restaurant world it can often be a pretty male-dominated space, so that can be intimidating to women when they’re first entering that space and even over time just adjusting to that culture,” she says. “That said, there seem to be more women going into the food industry so it’s shifting a bit. For women business owners overall, there are going to constantly be challenges, because there are always going to be people who doubt that or don’t support that. Charlottesville is set in some older ways and that can be challenging for women entering into entrepreneurship.”
She says that with the majority of their clients being women, rallying for support is always happening. And the added bonus is that women entrepreneurs beget more women entrepreneurs.
“Now their children or their aunts or their best friends want to start a business. Particularly for women, it provides an example for them to look up and be inspired,” Davis says.
For CWIF, even the online Facebook group provides a go-to source to get help or have questions answered. From those seeking to share commercial kitchen space, to others needing insurance advice, or even unrelated discussions about families such as caring for aging parents while working full-time, there are new discussions posted daily in which members find solidarity. The support that CWIF provides has proven to be quite powerful, says food blogger Libby.
“I think some of the change with this is that women can feel freer to talk about things. They share amongst one another—that’s really healthy and it has brought a lot of women together that thought they were the only one,” she says. “I see their faces when they come to the meetings because they’re super afraid and don’t know what to expect and when they leave they can’t wait for the next meeting, because the energy is so great.”
With this solidarity comes power and with that power comes gradual change.
Fonner’s banking on it, with her daughter planning to start working in the kitchen next year when she turns 16. And Terni is encouraged that change is coming, too, albeit slowly.
“From talking to other people, yes, things have definitely improved,” Terni says. “My own work was spread out over so many different settings that it would be hard for me to point to specific examples of improvement. But I also see more female owners, more female managers, and more women in executive and leadership positions. That suggests to me that, indeed, things are changing and my hope is that women-led businesses will help drive change as both men and women realize that harassment and discrimination is not just ‘part of the deal’ in the industry.”
Junction bar manager Alec Spidalieri. Photo by Sanjay Suchak
As I walk through the doors of Junction, bar manager Alec Spidalieri beckons me to the upstairs area, adjacent to the kitchen. He’s got something cooking that he can’t leave for very long. In fact, one of the ingredients he’s making is the brown butter-washed rum for the Rum Communion, the winning cocktail in C-VILLE’s inaugural Hooch Dreams bracket contest.
When Spidalieri heard that the daiquiri-style drink had taken the top spot, he was surprised. He knew Junction was up against Lost Saint in the first round, and says he honestly thought they’d get knocked out early by the West Main bar. But, if you’ve followed our cocktail bracket matchups online or on social media, you know why we had to name this drink the winner. The judges’ comments consistently praised the Rum Communion for its sweet yet tart notes, butterscotch undertones and creamy mouthfeel.
The daiquiri is one of Spidalieri’s favorite drinks—“I love rum,” he says—as it represents the holy trinity of the Caribbean: rum, lime and sugar. It may sound simple, but it’s more than the sum of its parts. And the possibilities of riffing off those three main ingredients to create new and seasonal drinks is endless, he says. The idea for the Rum Communion was born out of an online recipe for a rum cake; Spidalieri knew the pineapple and brown butter elements could be shaken up and turned into a cocktail.
His drinks of choice
“Wine, I drink a lot wine—probably too much wine, but I don’t drink as much as people would think. I love most wines unless it’s overtly poorly made. I cannot name a favorite.”
“I like Scotch a lot and I love rum, I really do. I’ll sip those neat mostly.”
“I’m very nomadic beer-wise. I’m not a huge hop-head, but I like porters and dark beers.”
Even though the drink is one of the most time-consuming to make in his repertoire (see below for the full recipe), Spidalieri says he doesn’t mind. And his attention to detail is evident, from the list of hundreds of potential cocktail names he keeps on his phone, to his near-constant rotation of homemade shrubs, syrups and cordials he has brewing and steeping. The laid-back black T-shirt-and-jeans-wearing bartender swears most of his job involves moving boxes around (he mentions his love of spreadsheets at least twice during our interview), but his passion for creating a great drinking experience is obvious.
“It’s a hobby,” he says. “It doesn’t feel like a job.”
When he was conceptualizing the restaurant’s new spring menu, he toyed with replacing the Rum Communion with another daiquiri, but—don’t worry—he kept it as one of the restaurant’s staple drinks. He says he might add another daiquiri on the summer menu, because, really, can you have too many well-balanced drinks that for a brief moment make you think you’re lying on a warm beach next to turquoise water? We don’t think so.
“That’s my job—helping people unwind every day,” Spidalieri says. “It’s really a pleasure to do that for a living: Give people happy juice in glasses.”
In the final round of our cocktail bracket, the Rum Communion squared off against Tavola’s Alpha & Omega.
“As a small child, I was once found under the Thanksgiving table scooping handfuls of sugar directly from the bag into my mouth, so it’s safe to say I don’t shy away from a little sweetness. And while, yes, Junction’s Rum Communion is more dessert-y than some of the other cocktails in our booze bracket—that brown butter-washed rum! that pineapple!—it’s full and creamy and smooth enough for multiple glasses. Don’t stop until you’re under the table.”—Caite White, Knife & Fork editor
Rum Communion. Photo by Sanjay Suchak
Junction’s Alec Spidalieri says he first heard of the brown butter-washing technique at Belmont neighbor Tavola, when its former bar manager, Christian Johnson, put a brown butter-washed bourbon drink on the menu. After trying it, Spidalieri said to himself, “I gotta do this sometime.”
Although he says the recipe for the Rum Communion looks intimidating, it’s more of a passive process where you let ingredients sit for a long time.
His words of wisdom: “Don’t burn the butter. Pull it off the heat when it starts to turn caramel brown.”
Rum Communion
2 oz. brown butter-washed Pusser’s British Navy Rum (Blue Label)
1 oz. grilled pineapple cordial
.75 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice
Add all ingredients to shaker, add ice, shake aggressively until well-chilled. Double-strain into a chilled coupe/cocktail glass. Garnish with a floating lime wheel.
Brown butter-washed rum
1 750ml bottle Pusser’s
1 lb. unsalted butter
Slice the butter into smaller cubes and add to a medium-sized sauce pan. Heat butter at low heat, then turn up to medium heat when it is all melted. Whisk the butter continuously and keep over heat until it browns (should take about 10 minutes), being careful not to let it burn or boil over. Remove from heat. When the butter stops steaming, add rum, while whisking rapidly for 20 seconds to homogenize. (After this point, stop stirring the mixture; you don’t want it to break.) Let the pot sit out for two hours at room temperature, then put it in the freezer overnight. Once it’s frozen, separate the layer of butter fat that has frozen at the top (it’ll be a disk shape) and discard or repurpose. Fine-strain the remaining liquid and put back into the original bottle. Doesn’t hurt to keep it refrigerated, and give it a nice shake before use. Warning: You will lose about 15 percent of the original amount of rum in this process.
Grilled pineapple cordial
1 pineapple
1 tsp. salt
1 tbs. citric acid
3 cups sugar
1 cup dry white wine
1 oz. vodka (to further fortify)
Yield: about 1 quart
Skin pineapple and cut into planks. Grill evenly on two sides, about four minutes on each side; there should be a good char. Combine with all remaining ingredients in a bowl and let macerate for three hours (with salt and sugar covering everything). Blend with an immersion blender on its high setting and then fine strain, pressing against the strainer with the back of a spoon to extract all the liquid. Store in a clean container and keep refrigerated. Should keep for a month or more.
Alec Spidalieri at Junction is shaking things up for Virginia Spirits Month with the Chai Tai, made with dark chai spice rum from Culpeper’s Belmont Farm’s Kopper Kettle, and the Other Woman, featuring rose-infused Belle Isle premium moonshine. Photo by Amy Jackson
Bottoms up, y’all. It’s Virginia Spirits Month here in the commonwealth, sponsored by the Virginia Distillers Association and meant to spotlight Virginia-made spirits. Many local bartenders do so all year ’round, but there are a few special cocktails this month that are worth sidling up to the bar for.
Junction’s Alec Spidalieri is shaking things up with the Rum Communion, the Stablemate, the Chai Tai and the Other Woman. The Rum Communion is “an upscale, seasonal daiquiri for fall,” says Spidalieri, and is made with Charlottesville’s own Vitae Spirits golden rum. Spidalieri washes each bottle of golden rum with one pound of brown butter—he whisks the rum and butter together, then freezes the mixture overnight, skims off the butter, strains and rebottles the rum—then combines the butter-washed rum with a cordial made from grilled pineapple and fresh lime juice, aggressively shaken, strained and served up.
“It’s a rich but balanced cocktail that packs a lot of flavor with butter and caramel notes,” says Spidalieri.
The Chai Tai’s components, dark chai spice rum from Culpeper’s Belmont Farm’s Kopper Kettle combined with Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao, lime and orgeat (“a sort of floral almond milk syrup,” Spidalieri explains), give this take on a classic mai tai “a new dimension of spice character that makes it perfect for late summer/early fall,” says Spidalieri.
Over at The Alley Light, in addition to the popular Rose Hill Ruby with Vitae Spirits platinum rum, Micah LeMon’s making a Virginia Alexander, made with Bowman Brothers bourbon, Vitae Spirits golden rum, P.Boo’s salted rum caramel (which LeMon makes himself), cream, egg white and black salt, and the Ugly Stick, concocted with Copper Fox rye, Virginia black birch (another LeMon creation), smoked maple, Zucca and black walnut bitters. LeMon says he’s also hitting a lot of folks with the Ugly Stick, perhaps due in no small part to the Copper Fox rye, made in Sperryville, which LeMon says “is an anomalous and interesting distillate” that tastes more Scotch-y than most whiskeys because of its high barley content.
Tavola, Whiskey Jar, Rapture and The Local are participating in Virginia Spirits Month, too, as are Charlottesville ABC stores, where you can taste some local spirits during in-store events.
Bowled over
Charlottesville’s super into bowls, with spots like Roots Natural Kitchen, Chopt, Poke Sushi Bowl and The Salad Maker, which all rolled into town over the last couple of years. Now we have two more: Citizen Bowl and b.good.
Citizen Bowl is open from 11am-3pm Monday through Friday in the Penny Heart private event space on the Downtown Mall (it’s the spot previously occupied by Eleven Months Presents: Sorry It’s Over and, before that, Yearbook Taco). Citizen Bowl offers eight different specialty bowls, all of which are gluten-free, such as the Fall Harvest (quinoa, power greens, beets, sweet potato, toasted pumpkin seeds, apple, chevre, balsamic) and the #umami (brown rice, power greens, local mushrooms, toasted sesame seeds, jalapeno, cilantro, edamame, arctic char, cilantro lime dressing), and make-your-own custom bowls.
Our bowls runneth over as casual farm-to-fork chain b.good is scheduled to open this week in the north wing of the Barracks Road Shopping Center, between Pink Palm and Penelope, with an array of grains and greens salads. The menu also promises burgers—beef, turkey, veggie—and chicken sandwiches made a few different ways, such as the Cousin Oliver (lettuce, tomato, onions, homemade pickles) or the El Guapo (bacon, homemade jalapeno slaw, jalapeno ranch), plus sides like sweet potato fries, avocado toast and eggplant meatballs, as well as smoothies, milkshakes and kids’ meals.
Hurricane relief
A few local food-and-drink spots are contributing to relief efforts for the damage caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which together killed more than 150 people and caused billions of dollars in damage in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean.
For an entire week in late August/early September, Jack Brown’s Beer & Burger Joint, which has 10 locations throughout the southern United States, including one on Second Street SE off the Downtown Mall, donated 100 percent of its profits—totaling $34,236.61—to the American Red Cross to assist with Harvey relief.
This past weekend, Shenandoah Joe and Three Notch’d Brewing Company combined efforts to gather supplies for those affected. They’d hoped to fill a 48-foot trailer to send down to the people in southern Florida whose lives were “turned upside down” by Hurricane Irma, says Shenandoah Joe owner Dave Fafara. Although they collected quite a bit, including boxes of nonperishable canned and boxed food, clothes, diapers, cleaning supplies and more than 100 cases of water, plus $600 in cash donated by City Market vendors on Saturday, they didn’t get enough to fill a trailer on their own, so they’re combining with a similar Greene County effort to send a truck of supplies down this week. Someone even donated a car seat, says Fafara, adding that “it was good to see the community do something for people they don’t know.”
J.R. Hadley, co-owner of Cho’s Nachos and Beer, says the restaurant employs a special distribution method to ensure each chip is covered with toppings—not a naked chip in sight. Photo by John Robinson
The modern Tex/Mex menu at Junction includes a variety of dishes such as the grilled shrimp and sweet potato empanadas, oven-roasted chile relleno and Texas cowgirl chili, and housemade cocktails and margaritas. Photo by Ron Paris
When Melissa Close-Hart was in her mid 20s, she was studying to become a high school psychology teacher and worked in the kitchen at Birmingham, Alabama’s acclaimed Bottega Café to help pay for her tuition.
One night, she says she perfectly plated a chicken scallopini—the positions of the components, the garnish, everything—and it hit her. “This is what I should do. I shouldn’t teach high school psychology,” she remembers thinking.
And it seems as though Close-Hart, a four-time James Beard Award semifinalist, was correct: Cooking is her calling. And on Thursday, January 26, she’ll be opening Junction, the long-anticipated modern Mexican/TexMex spot on Hinton Avenue in Belmont, with owner Adam Frazier (of The Local Restaurant and Catering and The Local Smokehouse).
Close-Hart, who cooked at Barboursville’s Palladio restaurant for 14 years before leaving two years ago to join forces with Frazier, and sous chef Amber Cohen, formerly of Continental Divide, will cook up a broad, but not overwhelming, variety of dishes for Junction diners. The yet-to-be-priced menu features grilled shrimp, roasted corn and sweet potato empanadas with roasted jalapeño-cilantro crema and queso fresco; Texas cowgirl chili with 7 Hills Food Co. braised beef, tomatoes, housemade chili powder, sour cream, aged cheddar and corn bread; oven-roasted chile relleno with roasted poblano peppers stuffed with marinated Twin Oaks tofu, sweet potatoes, grilled corn, fire-roasted peppers, seasoned beans, fresh herbs, pineapple-cilantro salsa and lime crema; plus buffalo burgers, cowboy (i.e. very large) steaks, a variety of tacos, guacamole and queso dips; plus tres leches cake, Kahlúa flan and churros with chocolate mole sauce for diners in the restaurant’s four dining rooms.
Close-Hart is aware of the Mexican food boom that has hit Charlottesville in recent years—we have a bunch of taco joints, like Brazos and Cinema Taco, plus our share of traditional Mexican places such as Los Jarochos and La Michoacana. It’s part of why she chose to focus Junction on locally sourced, freshly prepared TexMex. Plus, she says, “I’m a girl from Alabama, so me cooking traditional Mexican is a stretch.”
Junction will offer a wine program, a variety of beers and cocktails developed by bar manager Alec Spidalieri (of The Local). There’s a selection of margaritas, like the simple JCT Marg made with blanco tequila, Cointreau, citrus, agave, cilantro and salt, and the Carpintero, made with fig-infused reposado tequila, Licor 43, hickory syrup, acid-adjusted orange, charred cedar and Szechuan peppercorn bitters; and house cocktails like the Texas Hold Me, made with coffee-infused bourbon, Ancho Reyes Chili Liqueur, roasted walnut, brown sugar and lemon, and a take on horchata, made with Vitae Spirits golden rum, Pedro Ximénez sherry, long-grain white rice, cinnamon, toasted almonds and milk.
The restaurant’s four bright dining rooms, with plenty of windows, copper lighting and exposed brick walls, can accommodate 169 diners and honor the integrity of the building’s late 19th century/early 20th century origins. In one of the downstairs rooms, there’s a large, well-preserved Pepsi-Cola advertisement that was painted on the exterior wall of the grocery store that once inhabited the space.
The blond wood booths in another dining room came from the trees that were cut down to make Junction’s parking lot, Close-Hart says, and other tables can seat parties of varying sizes. The two upstairs dining rooms can be reserved for private parties and events.
Getting Junction off the ground has been “a labor of love…and licensing,” says Close-Hart. She’s been cooking for The Local’s catering operation for the past two years, and she’s excited to get back to a restaurant kitchen to keep doing what she loves. With food, “I get to nurse the soul and the body,” she says.
Mezze to pizza
As reported by Charlottesville 29 blogger and C-VILLE’s At The Table columnist C. Simon Davidson, Mediterranean mezze spot Parallel 38 will close its doors after service on Sunday, January 29. According to Davidson’s blog, after the original owners of The Shops at Stonefield sold the shopping center last year, Parallel 38 and the new owners could not agree on a new lease, which led to the closing.
A small California-based chain, MidiCi, The Neapolitan Pizza Company, will open in Parallel 38’s spot in late spring or early summer. Its Charlottesville franchise will house two 7,000-pound wood-fire ovens imported from Italy, a live olive tree and plenty of art.
MidiCi is about bringing friends together over high-quality pizza, and franchise owner Maurice Kelly chose to open a MidiCi here in Charlottesville (instead of Washington, D.C.) because of the city’s focus on local, community food. “In D.C., people might meet over cocktails, but in Charlottesville, they meet over food,” Kelly says.
Taste of home
Attendees at the 2017 Inaugural Luncheon on Friday, January 20, had a taste of Charlottesville. Seven Hills Food Co., led by butcher Ryan Ford and based here in town with an abattoir in Lynchburg, provided the meat used in the luncheon’s second course: grilled Seven Hills Angus beef with dark chocolate and juniper jus and potato gratin.
Aromas Cafe, which will be serving meals like this jumbo black tiger shrimp over white bean cassoulet at the $29 price point, is one of nine restaurants to join Restaurant Week for the first time this winter. Photo by Tom McGovern
As you scramble to make your Restaurant Week reservations, as you finally get to your table and lay a napkin over your lap and lift your fork to your lips, take a moment to reflect on how your dinner is more than a treat for your taste buds. It’s helping feed thousands of people right here in Virginia.
One dollar from each Restaurant Week meal served will go to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, this year’s charity partner beneficiary.
Charlottesville Restaurant Week has partnered with the BRAFB in years prior, and it’s been an enormous help, says Millie Winstead, director of development at the food bank. In winter 2015, Charlottesville Restaurant Week donated about $23,000 to the food bank.
BRAFB’s four branches—Charlottesville, Verona, Lynchburg and Winchester—serve more than 25,000 individuals via 200 partner agencies throughout 25 counties and eight cities. For every dollar the food bank receives, 96 cents goes toward programming, Winstead says. In previous years, the money went into the food bank’s general fund.
But this year, the money will go to the Agency Capacity Fund, a new initiative intended to help BRAFB partner agencies meet increasing demands. In March, the BRAFB will issue a request for proposals from its partner agencies, which can submit applications for money from the fund for things such as shelving, refrigerators or coolers.
“Hunger is something that unfortunately persists in our communities,” says Abena Foreman-Trice, director of communications for the BRAFB. “We’re still seeing more neighbors on average per month coming to our partner agencies than we were before the Great Recession.”
Most of the food bank’s agencies are small and run by volunteers; many of them are faith-based organizations supporting a pantry or kitchen that feeds maybe 50 families every other week, serving “a group of people that wouldn’t otherwise have [food],” Winstead says. While the agencies receive regular food donations, Winstead says that pantries often need help meeting physical and organizational needs.
For example, food cannot be stored on the floor; it must be kept on shelves. A $100 shelving unit may not seem like much, Winstead says, but it’s an awful lot for a kitchen with a $1,500 operating budget.
“Food banking is changing,” Winstead says. “Back in the day, when it was starting, it was a lot of canned food items. Now, about one quarter of the food we distribute is fresh produce, so the ability to have a cooler, a refrigerator or a cooler blanket to drape over produce” in the pantry or during distribution to families is key.
Restaurant Week is the chance for the community to “understand how their support can make an impact for someone who is trying to make ends meet,” Foreman-Trice says. “When someone falls short, we’re here to try and make sure they have one less worry, to make sure that they know there’s at least somewhere where they can get food to eat to get them and their families through.”
Winstead says she’s “blown away constantly by the giving nature of the restaurant community here,” noting that they receive donations from restaurants throughout the year.
This time, a record-high 44 restaurants are participating in Restaurant Week, and instead of the usual seven days, the event will run for nine, from Friday, January 20, through Sunday, January 29.
First-time participants include Blue Ridge Café, Los Jarochos, Maharaja, Mono Loco and Petit Pois all at the $19 price point; Aroma’s Café, Heirloom at The Graduate Charlottesville and Timberwood Taphouse at the $29 price point; and Water Street at the $39 price point.
Changes at IX
Last week, Shark Mountain Coffee Co. announced the sudden closing of its location at the Studio IX in an emotional Facebook post written by Shark Mountain owner Jonny Nuckols. Nuckols chalks up the dissolution of the café, which closed January 11 after a year and a half in operation, to “irreconcilable differences between Shark and management of Studio IX.” Shark Mountain will continue to operate its café in the iLab at UVA’s Darden School of Business and will look for a potential new café location.
And Sweethaus has moved out of its West Main Street location and into a space at IX, next door to Brazo’s Tacos. A post on the bakery’s Instagram account states it hopes to open in its new spot by this weekend.
Taste of what’s to come
Junction, Melissa Close-Hart and Adam Frazier’s long-anticipated TexMex restaurant, will open Thursday, January 26, on Hinton Avenue in Belmont. Look for more details on the restaurant in next week’s Small Bites column.
Eat up!
We have three Restaurant Week gift certificates to give away. For a chance to win, leave a commentabout which restaurant’s menu you’re most excited about and why.